Rock Island High School
Class of 1966
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Delores Adams Webster Deceased 2010*
Julie Adams Hall
Myron Ahlf, Jeannie COX(deceased 2007*)
Wm Randall Aldridge Deceased 2007*
Carol Allen
Cynthia Allen Petersmith Deceased 2006*
Bruce Allison Deceased 2021*
Bonnie Anderson Adams, Carl ë
29523 US Rt 150
Morton, IL 61550-9143
Carl and I live on one of our farms about 16 miles southeast of Peoria. I graduated from St. Anthony's Hospital School of Nursing, RI, in '68, St. Francis Hospital School of Nurse Anesthesia, Peoria, in '74, and Sangamon State U. (U of I at Springfield) in '87. I've practiced Anesthesia in the surrounding area for 28 yrs.
Carl is a general surgeon. We celebrated our 27th anniversary this March. Our sons, Ben 24, and Wil 19, live on one of our other farms nearby. Ben is in retail at Best Buy and Wil just finished his freshman year as a music ed major at Eureka College. Wil lives in the dorm during the school year. He is about to tour Canada and the Maine area with the college choir. They were supposed to travel to Spain but those plans were revised after 9/11.
This is my first year (in almost 25) that I have time to myself. My kids have volunteered me for everything from coaching soccer to making costumes and stage sets. We raised and exhibited Morgan horses in just about every division of pleasure from Mn to Ga and as far west as the World Championships in OK. I've been their 4H leader and their horse bowl team coach. I've driven vans, trucks and horse trailers full of kids, horses, tack and costumes. We have a 16 stall stable and indoor arena, and board a few select horse besides our own.
My husband's practice keeps him busy. He shows up once in awhile to check on us. Besides horses, we have raised a few chickens, a few sheep, had a few cows and calves but our real agricultural endeavor is corn, soybeans, hay and beef cattle. We raised hogs (about 2000 hd/yr) from our farrow to finish confinement 150 sow operation. After about 20 years our hog operation is on hold because of the market.
Now that the boys have left home with better computers than Mom's, I actually have computer time for e-mails. I've been enjoying the Rocks4ever site. Carl & I purchased 160 acres in Southern Illinois (deer hunting country) April '01. We spent 3 out of 4 weekends there fixing up our cabin. I have a few rental units in Washington, Il that seem to know when I'm lacking for something to do. It's been an interesting life, nothing really planned. It just evolved that way. [May2002]
Deborah Anderson Deaver ë
3331 Mary Draper Ct W
Jacksonville, FL 32223
James Anderson, Sharon GUTIERREZ
1501 23rd Ave
Rock Island, IL 61201
Kathleen Anderson Dobbeleare ë
1900 6th Ave Apt 4
Rock Island, IL 61201
I moved into my apartment last August and I like it. I got a dog or I should say a puppy, and it has been an experience. He is great. I am thinking about getting him some obedience training and then looking into service dog or caring dog work. I really would like to travel, taking short trips, and now that I have a more dependable car it will be possible. I have never been on a train, or plane. I would like to see local, then states, the the United States. I have always wanted to go to Hawaii. I have been going online on my iPod downloading apps' information about places I would like to go. It has been fun thinking I could be there some day. It would be nice to find someone with the same desire to travel. I would rather travel with someone. I would not feel safe traveling alone. I am trying to eat healthy foods and exercise more. Walking the dog is a beginning at exercise. I am trying to live each day to the fullest and look forward to time I spend with family.
This is my favorite prayer helps me keep life in perspective - Serenity Prayer "God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace. Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. -- Reinhold Niebuhr
Hope to see everyone at the 2011 reunion.
Mark Anderson Deceased 2004*
Michael Andrews, Sue ATKINSON ë
Steve (John) Andrews ë
Lee Anil Address Unknown
Michael Anthony, Susan ë
1796 263rd St
Milan, IL 61264
Sue Atkinson ANDREWS, Michael ë
Patricia Atto Jahn-Toliver, James ë
14028 28th St W
Milan, IL 61264
I'm Still working at Regalia with my two sons. I'm Enjoying being married again. [July2016]
I was married on Sept. 19, 2015 to James Toliver. [Feb2016]
I'm still working at Regalia Mfg. Co. in downtown Rock Island. My husband passed away in 2008, but my two sons and I continue to own and operate the business. It keeps me busy and I really love working in our flag store. The main business makes award ribbons for county and state fairs all over the country. It is a 114 year old business. I am just a steward to keep it going for the next generation. I am very blessed to have all my children and grandchild living in this area. Also, my Mom is here in assisted living at Avonlea Cottage. [May2011]
Michael Arneson Deceased 2004*
Judith Aversing Carlson, Bruce ë
106 E South St
Cambridge, IL 61238
My husband Bruce and I have been married for 26 years. We have four children, Kerry, Erik, Dana, and Will.
I retired from Royal Neighbors of America on July 9, 2003, after being employed for 37 years. Bruce and I are now employed by Cambridge High School.
Notwithstanding the birth of our children, real highlights for me now are living a very comfortable life, being able to enjoy our grandchildren, and working part-time to keep busy while being able to have week-ends, holidays, and all summer long off from school. LIFE IS VERY GOOD!!! [Jun2004]
Susan Avruch Harris Deceased 2010*