Rock Island High School
    Class of 1966

Classmates - R

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Linda Raisbeck Hinson     Deceased   1998*

Susan Ramer Forest     Address Unknown

David Randerson,  Carole   ë
4020 Curt Dr
Columbia, MO  65203

David Ranson     Deceased   1969*

Roger Rasmussen

Patricia Redmon Pottorf   ë
PO Box 5812
Sun City West, AZ  85376

Still working as an RN, hoping to retire at the end of this year. Also involved in animal rescue.  [Aug2018]

Hi all.  It has been many years since I have been back to my hometown.  I do, however, cherish spending my childhood and young adult years in the Midwest.  Always proud to say "I'm from Illinois but not Chicago."  I have lived in Phoenix, Az for 18 years.  Prior to that I lived in Incline Village, Nv (North shore of Lake Tahoe) for 8-1/2 years.  I am still working as a Registered Nurse.  I have been a Recovery Room RN for the last 9 of my 28 years as an RN.  It is a fast-paced, enjoyable position.  I have a 37 year old son, Michael, who is my greatest accomplishment.  My hobbies are volunteering at animal rescues.  Advocating for better laws for the protection of the vulnerable - children, animals and women.  I know I was very quiet in school and did not know very many people well.  I do wish everyone well and so VERY much enjoy this website!  Please look me up if any of you visit or want to visit in the Scottsdale, Phoenix, Az area.  Very Sincerely, the best to you all.  Patricia  [Aug2011]

Gary Reed     Deceased   2006*

Gary had been running the web site for the Rocky Class of '65, linked on our Welcome page.  -  manager

Tom Reed     Deceased   2016*

James Reese

Joe Roberts,  Nancy
10721 52nd St Ct
Milan, IL  61265

Lana Roberts Mittleberger

Robert Roberts

Carl Robinson,  Diana CRAMER   ë
10062 SW 75th St Rd
Ocala, FL  34481

Our Wedding anniversary Aug. 5th will be 50 years. We recently moved to Ocala, FL. Del Webb Community 55 or older and love it. Retirement is great. [2016]

Carl is an electrician with the IBEW and serves on his local union executive board.  He is also a Commissioner for the Moline International Airport Authority.

Diana serves as Rock Island County Auditor, elected in 1996, and is currently up for re-election.  She is a member of Zonta, a businesswomen's group, and is also involved with the local chapter of Executive Women's Golf Association.  She was President of the Illinois Association of County Auditors, and served as a board member of the Illinois Association of County Officials for two years.

We have three girls and five grandchildren.  [Jun 2004]

James Rockwell     Deceased   2020*

Georgia Rockwood     Address Unknown

Karl Rocycki

Roger Rodden     Deceased   2020*

Paul Rodgers     Deceased   2019*

John Rodriguez

Helen Rogers West   ë
20577 Birchwood Dr
Foresthill, CA  95631

Portrait Artist, elected President of our water district. Life is good! It is amazing how quickly the years pass by. Hope to see many of our classmates at 50th reunion. As retired folks, we keep busy volunteering in our small community that dates back to the gold rush era. Be well and prosper!   [July2016]

Since I retired from public service, I've been painting people. You may view a sample of my artwork online at It's been a long time since I've visited the Quad Cities. I'm looking forward to visiting dear friends, making a few new ones and visiting old familiar places. My lovely sister Grace Kemp from St. Louis has graciously agreed to accompany me at the reunion. My husband Bob is unable to attend, but sends warm regards to all. Let's make this a joyful reunion. I like to about you?  [May2011]

Erica Rohwer Grover

Michael Rothweiler,  Irene   ë
3235 149th Ave
Andover, MN  55304

Just finishing up 4 plus years of retirement.  Enjoy running, swimming, reading, playing music, doing house work and those wonderful afternoon naps.  Now have 2 grandchildren and 1 additional on the way, great fun.  Love my wife and my long time friends from high school.  You know who you are.  Life is good, most of the time.  [Aug2011]

Carrol Rottman     Deceased   2013*

Patrice Rule Day

Linda Rummels Weathersbee,  Raymond   ë
1817 S Fairfax Ave
Los Angeles, CA  90019

Linda retired in 2011 from a Los Angeles local garment manufacturer. She was Vice President of design and Technical Services. She was with the company for 30 years. Linda's spouse Raymond retired in 2009, after 38 years with Los Angeles County Public Works as a regional supervisor.  [July2016]

Patrice Ryerson Kiefer   ë
2917 31st St
Rock Island, IL  61201

Retirement is only "semi" so far! Between my kids, grandkids & and friends I definitely don't have time to sit in a rocking chair and watch the grey hair come in!! My grandchildren list keeps growing....add another grandson ( who's 3 ) and a grand daughter (who's 2 months old) and a great grandson ( who's 8 months old) --- and that gives me now a total 10. Love everyone of them! ( and they all live close enough that I can see them anytime I want). I'm a pretty lucky "mama!" I've been traveling and enjoying trips to New Orleans, Houston Texas and Ft Meyers Beach. Planning on traveling to many more places in the near future. Life is good.....cancer free for six years.....and everyday is an adventure. [Sept2016]


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